The tens are formed by prefixing the word for ten ( dëme dEme) with the multiplier digit root, with the exception of ten itself: dëme ( dEme), didëme ( didEme), trodëme ( trodEme), kodëme ( kodEme), pandëme ( pandEme), hëndëme ( hEndEme), sidëme ( sidEme), ondëme ( ondEme), and nidëme ( nidEme).Digits from zero to nine are specific words: sore ( sore), hire ( hire), dise ( dise), troe ( troe), kose ( kose), pante ( pante), hënte ( hEnte), site ( site), onte ( onte), and nive ( nive).Now that you’ve had a gist of the most useful numbers, let’s move to the writing rules for the tens, the compound numbers, and why not the hundreds, the thousands and beyond (if possible).